Friday 22 February 2013

The Capital ‘A’ Of Customer Service

Since the start of 2013, my strategic thoughts have been focussed on finding a repeatable formula for growing DrivenByQ. My analytical mind has been working overtime trying to find that one magic ingredient we can replicate.

Processes and relationships have all come under scrutiny and clinically dissected to a level where there is nothing left to analyse. So moving forward with our business plan, marketing plan and everything else, what is unique about us?

When you really break down our service, anyone can do WHAT we do taking people from A to B by road in a vehicle. What we have to establish is how our business makes an emotional connection with people and influences their decisions.

Finally I have recognised it is HOW we do what we do that really matters. This is what categorically creates a difference compared to our competitors. The word for this magic ingredient quite simply, is Attitude!